Sawtooth Mountains in Stanley, Idaho. A great option for weekend travel opportunities!

Do you dream of travel and exploration, but find yourself limited by a lack of time off work? Don’t lose hope! Even with a busy schedule, you can still satisfy your adventurous spirit by maximizing your PTO and making the most of your weekend travel. In this blog post, we’ll share ten ways to get traveling, even when you have limited time. Prepare to embark on unforgettable adventures while working your full-time job.

Wedge Overlook, also known as Utah's Little Grand Canyon with the San Rafael River snaking through the canyon below.

Ten Ideas for Travelers with Limited Time

1. Plan Mini-Getaways

Instead of waiting for a long vacation, plan shorter trips or weekend getaways. Identify nearby destinations that can be reached within a few hours of travel. Explore hidden gems, hike in national parks, visit local museums, or explore charming towns in your area. Mini-escapes provide a refreshing break from routine without the need for extensive travel planning.

Need a place to start? Check out these links for inspiration!

2. Prioritize Your Bucket List

Create a travel bucket list and prioritize the destinations you most want to visit. Research flight durations, choose locations with convenient transportation options, and focus on destinations that can be explored in a shorter period. By narrowing down your list, you can make the most of your limited time and create unforgettable experiences.

Couple standing with their arms outstretched in front of their van in a boondocking campsite near Goblin Valley in Utah.
Woman smiling into the camera after climbing Cathedral Rock in Sedona, Arizona

3. Take Advantage of Remote Work Opportunities/Combine Work and Play

If your job allows, consider working remotely from a different city or even a different country. Extend a weekend trip into a workation, where you can combine work and exploration. Find accommodations with reliable Wi-Fi and create a balanced routine that allows you to enjoy the local culture and attractions during your non-working hours.

If you can’t work remote but your job involves occasional travel, consider extending your work trips. Plan to arrive a few days early or stay a few days later at your own expense. This way, you can use your existing travel opportunities as a springboard for personal adventures.

4. Make the Most of Long Weekends

Keep an eye on the calendar for long weekends or holidays. Schedule your time off around these days or take a Friday or Monday off to create an extended weekend. Take advantage of overnight flights or early morning departures to maximize your time in a new destination. Even a three-day getaway can provide an enriching travel experience.

Check out some of our other posts to get some ideas you can build from!

You can also take advantage of long weekends and holidays that coincide with seasons or events. Plan trips around festivals, outdoor activities, or seasonal attractions. Whether it’s witnessing fall foliage, enjoying winter sports, or attending summer festivals, aligning your travel plans with specific seasons is another way to make the most of limited travel time.

Man walking toward a natural hot spring, Bonneville, in Idaho. A great spot for weekend travel!

5. Opt for Staycations

Sometimes, the best adventures are right in your own backyard. Plan a staycation and explore your hometown or nearby cities. Treat it like a real vacation by staying in a hotel, trying new restaurants, and participating in local activities. Explore parks, hiking trails, or historical sites. Chances are there are plenty of untapped opportunities for adventure and exploration just waiting to be discovered. You’ll be amazed at the unique experiences that lie right under your nose, the hidden gems you discover, and the new perspectives you gain, all without the hassle of long-distance travel.

6. Embrace the Microadventure

Microadventures are short, action-packed experiences that can be squeezed into a day or even a few hours. Seek out fun activities such as hiking, kayaking, or cycling in nearby nature reserves, mountains, or coastal areas. Microadventures provide a taste of exploration within your limited time frame.

7. Try Off-Season Travel

Traveling during off-peak seasons offers several advantages. Popular destinations are less crowded, flights and accommodations are often cheaper, and you can experience a more authentic side of a place without the tourist influx. Explore off-season options, and you’ll be surprised at the tranquility and charm that awaits.

Arches National Park at sunset during the off-season.

8. Prioritize Must-See Attractions

When time is limited, it’s essential to prioritize the must-see attractions or experiences in a destination. Research and plan your itinerary in advance, focusing on the activities or landmarks that resonate with you the most. This way, you can make the most of your time and ensure you don’t miss out on the highlights.

9. Turn Your Hobbies into Adventures

Sometimes, travel doesn’t necessarily mean going to a new destination. Look for opportunities to incorporate your hobbies into your weekends or time off. If you love hiking, explore new trails nearby. If you’re a food enthusiast, go on a culinary adventure by trying different restaurants or cooking new dishes at home. By combining your hobbies with exploration, you can create a sense of adventure in your everyday life.

Man smiling into the camera as he prepares jalapeno poppers at home in the kitchen.

10. Connect with Travel Communities

Connect with travel communities, both online and offline, for inspiration and to gain insights from other travel enthusiasts. Join travel-related social media groups, forums, or attend local meetups to connect with like-minded individuals. Share stories, exchange travel tips, and discover new destinations that you may not have considered. Building connections with other travelers can inspire you, provide valuable recommendations, and even lead to future travel opportunities.

Where Will Your Travel Plans Take You?

Don’t let limited time off curb your adventurous spirit. With these creative approaches, you can still embark on exciting adventures and explore new horizons, even if you only have PTO or weekends to spare.

Here are some useful tools and tips that will help make your planning a bit easier! Simple Tools for Planning Adventures

Remember, travel is not just about the distance; it’s about the experiences, connections, and memories you create along the way. So, get planning, pack your bags, and let your travel dreams take flight, one mini-adventure at a time!

Couple looking out onto the Payette River in summer. Idaho during weekend travel.

If you have any creative ideas that have worked for you, please share them with us in the comments!

See you out there!