Planning to visit Arches National Park, or any popular national park for that matter, can be fun and overwhelming at the same time. You want to see so many popular sites but worry about dealing with all the crowds, figuring out where to park, how long you might need to wait in line for pictures (unfortunately this can happen), and potentially not getting to have the experience you were hoping to. Don’t worry! With a little bit of planning, you can have a memorable experience you’ll look back on for years to come. So, when is the best time to visit Arches National Park? The offseason!

Van in empty parking lot looking out at rock monuments in Arches National Park

Many people plan their visit in the late spring or summer. Arches National Park is located outside of Moab, Utah. It gets HOT. And it is CROWDED in the park and in the surrounding area. We were visiting the Mighty Five in southern Utah at the end of May earlier this year. We decided to skip Arches because the line to just get in was ridiculously long. No thanks! While we were disappointed, we didn’t want to have a bad experience so we decided to plan a visit later in the year.

When is the offseason?

The offseason for Arches, and other area national parks, is generally considered to be November through February. Not only are crowds gone but the weather is much more pleasant, perfect for your hikes! You can expect temperatures in the day to average in the 40’s and at night to be in the 20’s. You can find more specifics at

Man standing to the side of the North Window at Arches National Park

Be Prepared

  • Winters are cooler so dress in layers!
  • There isn’t a lot of snow that falls but be sure to check the weather conditions and make sure you are prepared for some winter driving.
  • There isn’t consistent cell coverage in the park. And with less people around, you could run into an issue if you need help. Bring some sort of way to communicate in an emergency. We love our Garmin InReach and bring it with us on all of our adventures. *You can check out some options for one here:
  • Bring good hiking boots with good traction or bring some sort of traction devices for your shoes like spikes.
  • It gets darker earlier so be sure to bring plenty of light sources like a headlamp, and batteries if you need them.
  • If you have pups, know that you can’t bring them with you on trails so have a plan for them. They are allowed in the campground and paved areas. Be sure to pick up after them and make sure they have plenty of water.
  • Always practice the Leave No Trace Principles including staying on designated trails and packing out what you pack in.
Woman standing with arms outspread inside an arch at Arches National Park
Man dressed in warm winter clothing looking out into the desert with his two dogs in Arches National Park at Devils Garden campground

Benefits of visiting in the offseason

  • Peace and Quiet: As mentioned above, crowds were our main reason we decided to skip visiting earlier this year. The number one reason visiting in the offseason is the best time to visit Arches National Park is the lack of crowds. We visited the first weekend in December and it was awesome! You will marvel at how quiet this area is! It was the perfect place to sit and meditate or just take in the beautiful landscape around you. You almost talk in a whisper just so you don’t break the spell you feel over the entire area. It was so peaceful and allowed us to recharge and more fully appreciate this magnificent park.
Sunset near Devils Garden in Arches National Park
  • No Lines or Timed Entry: We didn’t have to wait in a line to get our picture in front of arches or other popular spots. We also easily got a spot at the only campground in the park AND we didn’t have to have a timed entry into the park – triple win! Watching the sunset from one of the rocks right next to our campsite was perfect. This is also one of the only places you can have you pups with you….ours were very happy about that. Check out more info on Devils Garden Campground here:
Sunset near Devils Garden campground in Arches National Park
  • Weather: Hiking in cooler weather is something we prefer. I don’t know about you, but I hate sweating so much that I feel like I’ve just taken a dip in a hot pool. There’s nothing better than having the air cool you off as you climb to your destination. Because you will likely want to hike early in the morning so you can see the sunrise from one of the many vantage points in the park (hello Delicate Arch!), be sure to dress in layers. And just because it’s cooler doesn’t mean you won’t need to stay hydrated. Be sure to pack plenty of water with you.

No matter when you choose to visit, planning makes a big difference. Will you plan your visit to Arches during the offseason or will you choose another time of the year? Send us a message and let us know!

Couple dressed in warm winter clothing sitting with their two dogs on a rock at Arches National Park
Sprinter Van parked in a parking lot overlooking views in Arches National Park

See you out there!

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