Here we are at the second installment of our Best of State Parks Adventure Travel Guide Series! We’re here to share some of the not so secret, yet powerful benefits of spending time in state parks. Click here and here to get caught up.

Today, we’re chatting about the benefits – both physical and mental – of state parks. You can bet that one of the main focuses is on camping under a blanket of stars, one of our absolute favorite things to do.

Here are some quick tips and reminders to help you make the most of your state park experience. 

Benefits Beyond Beauty

Red and yellow flowers growing on a cactus at the edge of a canyon in Utah.

Being in nature has both physical and mental benefits. While these benefits really come from spending time outside anywhere, we love state parks for the easy access they provide to people of all skills and abilities. Plus the sheer number of state parks (to include state forests, historic sites, and recreation areas often lumped into “state park” numbers) means there are plenty to choose from no matter where you find yourself.

Physical Health Benefits

Hiking trails, paddling in crystal-clear lakes, an unhurried stroll, or even setting up camp – state parks offer a variety of ways to get your heart pumping. And you won’t dread going to a state park like you might dread going to the gym. But maybe that’s just me….

Pro Tip: Change things up by trying a new activity at each state park you visit. Plus you can try activities that complement each other – a morning hike followed by an afternoon paddle can be the perfect combo!

Mental Health Benefits

Nature has this incredible ability to hit the reset button on your brain. Studies show that spending time in nature reduces stress, anxiety, and boosts overall mood. It’s like a natural therapy session surrounded by trees. Take a moment to sit, breathe, and soak it all in.

Pro Tip: Practice mindful observation; notice the rustle of leaves, the scent of pine, and the symphony of birds. You don’t have to do this long – even a couple minutes can help your stress levels decrease.

The Environmental Connection

Both state and national parks are considered protected lands to preserve the plants, animals, and natural scenery for all of us. And because they belong to all of us, we should recreate responsibly and teach others to do the same. Follow the Leave No Trace Principles and become educated about the locations you visit.

Pro Tip: Join in on a local state park cleanup crew or participate in a volunteer program to give back to the environment you’re enjoying. To add another layer of appreciation to your experience, spend some time learning about the local wildlife and vegetation. You might learn something fascinating!

Camping Under a Blanket of Stars

Camping in Goblin Valley State Park in Utah. Night shot around a campfire with a motorhome and razor in the background. The moon is shining thru some clouds.

Not only do we love playing and exploring in state parks, we also love camping in them no matter the season. Here are some tips for you to consider when planning your camping adventure in a state park.

Choosing the Right Campground

Due to the sheer number of state parks to choose from, you have an option for every mood. Do you want to listen to the sound of waves crashing onto the beach? Or maybe you love the sound of the wind as it floats through the pine trees. Whatever your goal, there’s a state park campground perfect for you.

Think about how long you want to camp and explore the area, how far you’re willing to drive, and what environment you want to be in. Then hop on Google, your state’s website, or use apps we’ve mentioned in our first installment of this series to find your spot!

Pro Tip: If you can choose your site, pick one with a mix of shade and sunlight for a comfortable stay no matter the weather.

Camping All Year Round

State parks aren’t just for summer escapes. With a bit of preparation, you can experience the magic of state park camping in any season. Winter snowscapes, spring blossoms, summer sun, or fall foliage – take your pick! The key is being prepared for the season you choose to camp in.

A special note about winter: Camping in the winter often means limited to no water at your campsite so be prepared and pack your own. Parts of the park may be closed meaning a smaller number of sites available to choose from. Additionally, there may be limited staff around to provide help or answer your questions.

Pro Tip: Make sure your sleeping bags are rated for the weather you’re camping in. Insulate your tent, van, or camper with rugs or extra blankets to keep the cold at bay.

Reserve Your Spot

State parks can be popular, especially during peak seasons. Be the early bird and make reservations in advance. This guarantees you the best spot in the campground and avoids any last-minute camping woes. Confession – we rarely do this but we tend to camp in state parks or other campgrounds in the off-season so it’s never been an issue for us.

Pro Tip: If you can, head out mid-week. Even during peak seasons, you’ll find it less crowded than the weekends.

Small Comforts Matter

Beyond the usual camping gear, consider bringing along some solar-powered fairy lights. Not only do they add a magical touch to your campsite, but they’re also eco-friendly. This is one of my favorite things to bring along. Secure your lights using binder clips – they’re handy and won’t damage your tent or van.

Pro Tip: Pack a headlamp for those late-night strolls and a portable camping stove for whipping up some camp life gourmet meals.

Leave No Trace: It’s a Golden Rule

We all want to leave the state park as beautiful as we found it, right? Follow the Leave No Trace Principles – pack out what you pack in, stay on designated trails, and respect the natural environment.

Pro Tip: Consider bringing biodegradable soap and cleaning supplies to minimize your impact.


So there you have it – the wonders of state parks extend far beyond their picturesque landscapes. From the mental calm and the joy of camping beneath the stars, state parks offer a holistic experience that leaves you refreshed and connected.

As you plan your next adventure, remember to think about the benefits of spending time in state parks that are beyond the usual you might initially think about. Be present and in the moment to get more of those mental heal benefits as well.

Until next time, happy trails and happy camping! ⛺🌲 #StateParkMagic #CampUnderStars