benefits of outdoors

Woman sitting on a boulder in front of a waterfall

Benefits of Spending Time Outside

There are many benefits of spending time outside, including improvements to your mental wellbeing. There’s just something about feeling the sun on your face and watching trees, grasses, and flowers gently sway in the breeze while listening to the sounds of birds or squirrels chatter around you that can bring a sense of calm or peace to your day.  Sitting still and allowing yourself to be present even for a moment can have a restorative impact on you. We have…

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Welcome to Our Adventures!

Melissia and Alex here – thanks for stopping by! We absolutely LOVE spending time outside and head into the wilderness as often as possible. Camping, hiking, fishing, snowshoeing, panning for gemstones, and soaking in hot springs are some of our favorite pastimes. Our fur kids are our constant companions on all of our adventures. Our mission is to share the love of the outdoors with others. Not only do we want to inspire you to get out in nature, we…

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