
Tips for Camping with Dogs

Our pups love camping and get antsy when they see us prepping to go. They lay in front of doors or follow us around like our shadows just to make sure we don’t forget them (never!) or, heaven forbid, purposely leave them at home with a dog sitter. They go with us 95% of the time and love every minute spent exploring both new and familiar places with their human parents. We try to plan as much as possible in…

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VanLife Cooking

Some people are planners and some are not. Am I a planner? It depends, but when it comes to food, not so much. Alex, on the other hand, totally is. Thankfully I am a beneficiary of his planning because, even when we’re traveling and living the #vanlife we eat like we’re dining in a restaurant…and I’m not talking fast food either. Being a chef, Alex has the knack for throwing together “simple” meals that he likes to prep in advance…

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