
Woman sitting on a boulder in front of a waterfall

Benefits of Spending Time Outside

There are many benefits of spending time outside, including improvements to your mental wellbeing. There’s just something about feeling the sun on your face and watching trees, grasses, and flowers gently sway in the breeze while listening to the sounds of birds or squirrels chatter around you that can bring a sense of calm or peace to your day.  Sitting still and allowing yourself to be present even for a moment can have a restorative impact on you. We have…

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Tips for Traveling with Dogs

Do you have a fur kid who travels with you? We have two….one who weighs over 100 pounds and the other who tops out around 30 pounds. Traveling with dogs can have its challenges but they’re part of our family and love joining in adventures with us. The key is to plan so you are as prepared as possible before you go. We’ve partnered with Kris from AdventureDawgs to bring you some tips and tricks we’ve found helpful on our…

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Couple standing next to a Razr in the fall - Cascade, Idaho

The Benefits of Traveling Locally

What comes to mind when you think of traveling? Do you see yourself jetting off to Europe to visit the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower? Maybe you dream of hiking Machu Picchu and taking in the views from the top. While traveling internationally is a goal for many, don’t overlook what is in your own backyard. Traveling locally may be more realistic for people and provide you the opportunity to experience fun and memorable adventures sooner than you might think.…

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Hiking trail in the foothills

Celebrating Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day happens yearly on April 22nd. Each year a theme is chosen; for 2022, the theme is Invest in Our Planet. While this day shines a light on the importance of doing our part to make positive impacts, you shouldn’t limit your activities to one day a year. If you’re like us, we want to do all that we can to educate ourselves and take action to preserve the precious resources we are fortunate enough to enjoy. Earth…

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Visiting Puerto Rico

Visiting Puerto Rico recently was a fun adventure. We explored, relaxed, and ate a lot of good food. We highly recommend booking a trip and staying in and around San Juan. Here are some things we learned and places we recommend you visit. The Beach We stayed in the Ocean Park area so spent several days at the beach there, which was walking distance from our Airbnb. It is a popular location and you’ll see a lot of wind and…

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Introduction to Boondocking

When we camp, we prefer to do it away from a lot of people. On occasion we will camp in improved campgrounds that you can reserve – especially if we’re going to be in an area during a popular time, like a holiday weekend. Most of the time, we prefer to camp off-grid so we boondock. You might also have heard it called dry camping or dispersed camping. So what is boondocking exactly and what do you need to know…

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Shoshone Falls in Twin Falls, Idaho

Adventuring Close to Home – Weekend Warriors

A weekend warrior is defined in the Oxford dictionary as someone “who participates in an activity only in their spare time.” That’s what Alex and I are. We LOVE traveling and going on adventures but we both have full-time jobs. Contrary to what some may think – we don’t get paid to travel (we wish!). Lately people have surprised me by saying something similar to, “you guys are so lucky to be able to go on so many adventures! I wish…

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Confessions of a Reformed Trail Degrader

Have you ever come across a mud puddle right in the middle of your hiking trail? What did you do….go around it or walk through it? Confessions: Personally if I encountered mud, I used to go around it. I mean, who wants mud all over their boots and clothes, right?! Turns out….traveling thru the mud puddle is the better of the two options because it doesn’t make the trail wider if others decide to follow your non-mud puddle route.  Widening…

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Confessions of a Former Litter Bug

Have you ever thrown a banana peel or an orange peel into the brush while camping? Confession time – I have. “Why would you ever do such a thing,” my horrified self of today asks my oblivious past self?! I didn’t really think it was that big of a deal back then. I mean, after all, won’t some cute little squirrel appreciate an easy snack, I would ask myself? Or I might also think, it’s food – it will decompose…

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Respecting Wildlife

Many of us are getting out and enjoying the camping, hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities. Chances are we will encounter all sorts of wildlife during our adventures. Most of us know we shouldn’t approach wildlife as it can lead to unintended consequences – for humans and the animals. So how can we take in the beautiful sights and sounds of nature while staying safe and respecting wildlife? Read on for some tips! When it comes to camping, most of…

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