
Encountering Snakes in the Outdoors

Snakes. They get my heart pumping and cause me to instinctively recoil from them. If I’m camping or hiking and encounter them, I usually jump back and scream. I do not want to be too close to them. Not only because I don’t want to get a snake bite but also because they are one of those creatures that simply creeps me out. My Uncle Mike loved snakes (maybe he still does) and I recall him showing them to me…

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Hot springs near Atlanta, Idaho

Hot Springs Etiquette and What to Bring

Discovering hot springs, or hot springs hunting as I sometimes call it, is so much fun! Alex and I enjoy ones found off the beaten path although we have also indulged in hot springs that are more improved such as the ones you can find when you rent a cabin in Twin Springs, Idaho. Great place if you’ve never been! Might need to do a post about that place……. In Idaho, there are about 130 hot springs you can soak…

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Tips for Camping with Dogs

Our pups love camping and get antsy when they see us prepping to go. They lay in front of doors or follow us around like our shadows just to make sure we don’t forget them (never!) or, heaven forbid, purposely leave them at home with a dog sitter. They go with us 95% of the time and love every minute spent exploring both new and familiar places with their human parents. We try to plan as much as possible in…

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